Our Patients’ Most Frequently Asked Questions

- How to choose the right dentist?
- How will I know I made the right choice?

These are questions and stories we hear every day from people visiting our clinic.

Having practiced this profession for more than 20 years, I believe I can answer these questions, thus helping my fellow humans feel secure with their choices. So what should we pay attention to? First and foremost, the choice of doctor!

The doctor should be someone who will listen carefully to our problem and concerns, dedicating the necessary time to study our case. They will explain the procedure and patiently answer our questions and doubts. We should be thoroughly informed in advance about the procedure, the recovery time, the potential pain, and, of course, the exact cost.

Another absolutely essential point is the radiographic examination. Today, placing implants without prior CT scans is unacceptable. The panoramic X-ray tends to be abolished (regarding implants) because the information it provides is insufficient compared to the CT scan. We should never rely on a panoramic X-ray to develop an implant treatment plan. Meanwhile, the doctor should also perform a clinical examination. It is unacceptable to formulate a treatment plan where we email an X-ray to the doctor and await a response. The doctor must see us in person and carefully examine our mouth. Otherwise, it indicates that the doctor is not seriously and responsibly addressing our problem.

Additionally, the medical history should be discussed. General health problems or any medications we are taking should be discussed carefully with the doctor.

During our visit to the clinic for the first diagnostic appointment, the impression we get should align with scientific standards. Compromises in cleanliness and the professional presence of the staff should raise concerns, as the placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure, and all cleanliness and sterilization protocols must be followed. Furthermore, the clinic should appear and be organized. In our clinic, we keep a record of each of the thousands of implants we have placed in patients’ mouths over the last 20 years.

Another frequent question we hear concerns the brand and origin of the implants. The doctor should inform you about this, but generally, I would say that when all the above conditions are met, it means that the doctor respects himself and his patients. Generally, all major and reputable companies in the field offer good and reliable implant systems, but if we want to know the characteristics of the best systems, I would say that the surface of the implants should have an SLA treatment and the connection between the implant and the prosthetic should be conical.

Many patients with severe problems, such as the loss of many teeth, are afraid to proceed because they believe that during the time required for the completion of the treatment, they will be left without teeth. Fortunately, this can rarely happen today, as there is the knowledge and technology to perform what is called immediate loading, i.e., placing temporary (provisional) teeth on the same day as the implant placement or at the latest 2 days after. When this is feasible, it is the recommended solution, as it causes the least disturbance to the patient.

Finally, I would like to mention that dental implants have a long history of research and development, over 40 years, which makes them the most reliable solution for replacing lost teeth today, provided that the rules of science and the points mentioned above are followed.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Schedule your appointment today by calling us at 210 2020490 or by filling out the appointment scheduling form.