Surgical Splint

Innovation in Implantology

The surgical splint is one of the most advanced technologies in implantology, offering exceptional precision and safety during the placement of dental implants. Using the splint makes surgical procedures less invasive and more precise, avoiding the need for large incisions and flaps, significantly reducing postoperative discomfort, and accelerating patient recovery.
Surgical Splint

Advantages of Using a Surgical Splint

  • Absolute Precision: The splint allows for the exact placement of implants at predetermined points, minimizing the risk of complications.
  • Reduced Postoperative Discomfort: The use of the splint reduces the need for large incisions, minimizing pain and discomfort after surgery.
  • Faster Recovery: The less invasive nature of the procedure accelerates the patient’s recovery.
  • Increased Safety: The splint guides the placement of implants with precision, reducing the risk of errors and complications.

Creation and Use of a Surgical Splint

Construction of the Splint

To create the surgical splint, a CT scan and an oral cavity scan using a special dental scanner are required. Then, using appropriate software and the necessary expertise, a digital design is created to ensure perfect fit and accuracy. Finally, the splint is produced using a special 3D printer.

Implant Placement

During the procedure, the surgical splint is placed in the patient’s mouth, guiding the placement of the implants with absolute precision.

The surgical splint is an essential tool in implantology, offering precise, safe, and minimally invasive dental implant placement.

Technological Equipment in Our Clinic

In our clinic, we have the most advanced equipment for the creation and use of surgical splints:

  • Dental Scanner: With the help of a special scanner, we accurately capture the structures of the mouth.
  • CT Scanner: Our state-of-the-art cone beam CT scanner provides clear and complete three-dimensional imaging of the oral cavity.
  • Specialized Software: We use the latest software for the design and production of splints, ensuring the best possible fit and effectiveness.
  • 3D Printer: We use a 3D printer to construct the splints, ensuring maximum accuracy.

The use of the surgical splint ensures that our patients receive the most advanced and effective care for their dental health.